Green parties around the world share similar core values. The objective of the Green Party in Kingston is to share these 6 values with Kingstonians through the medium of politics:
Social Justice
Respect for Diversity
Ecological Wisdom
Participatory Democracy
The Kingston Greens work to get Green Representatives elected at all levels of government so they can pass legislation that aligns with the 6 principals. Through political advocacy and community engagement, their objective is to enact policies that prioritize sustainability, equity, and inclusivity while fostering a sense of community among its constituents.
Constituents & Demographics
The Greens of Kingston is composed of individuals of all ages who are passionate about environmental issues, social justice, and progressive values. They strive to represent a diverse range of voices, including students, professionals, families, and marginalized communities.
As a small player on the Canadian political spectrum, it is often difficult for Greens to gain traction at the ballot box. Messaging is an issue as they fight to be heard on the various media platforms, and fundraising is also a consistent challenge which impacts their media presence. Navigating the complex political landscape and advocating for change within existing systems while maintaining grassroots principles and independence is not always easy, and mobilizing support and resources to effectively address pressing issues such as climate change and social inequality remains a constant challenge.
The Greens are in a marathon not a sprint, refusing to give up their core values when competing with other parties that may be more powerful. Their share of the popular vote is creeping up as they put energy into community building and engage with Canadians across the country, and as concerns about the climate crises rise like global temperatures. Having sitting MPs is a win and a good yardstick for their progress, gained by hard work.
Additionally, the Greens have been influencing policy decisions at the local and national levels, electing representatives who champion their values, and mobilizing grassroots campaigns that have resulted in tangible progress on environmental and social justice issues.
Support Needed
Volunteers and donors are always needed and appreciated by the Greens. Strengthening organizational capacity, expanding their outreach efforts, and enhancing collaboration with like-minded groups are also essential for achieving their goals.
Collaboration with Other Groups
The local Greens are very keen on collaborating with like-minded groups by sharing resources, exchanging ideas, and coordinating efforts on common goals and initiatives. Like Community Supported Youth Organizing, they believe that building alliances and solidarity across various movements is crucial for creating lasting change and advancing our shared vision of a more just and sustainable society.
They are connected with a diverse network of organizations and activists working on issues ranging from environmental conservation and social justice to human rights and community empowerment. They are open to cross-branding on any messaging, lending the support of a national party to a specific issue.
Entering Decision-Making Positions
The Kingston & the Islands Greens welcome anyone who shares their values and commitment to social and environmental justice to join their group. Decision-making positions are typically determined through democratic processes, including elections and consensus-building discussions. They do not have a formal screening process, but do prioritize inclusivity, diversity, and active participation in our decision-making processes to ensure that all voices are heard and represented.
Thoughts on Fractures in Activist Communities
"Fractures in activist communities can present challenges but also opportunities for growth and learning. By acknowledging differences, listening to each other, and working towards common goals, we can overcome divisions and strengthen our movements."
- Zachary Typhair, CEO
The Greens approach fractures within their group with transparency, open dialogue, and a commitment to resolving conflicts constructively. Recognizing that diversity of perspectives and approaches is inherent to any movement, they intend to foster inclusivity, respect, and solidarity among members. During meetings, they welcome new ideas or concerns, acknowledging the core values that unite them when conflict arises.
"For me this is a very personal question because the answer is my kids."
- Fintan Hartnett, federal electoral candidate
The Green Party fights for a more just, equitable, and sustainable world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, including future generations. In alignment with the 6 principles, their efforts are driven by a commitment to addressing systemic injustices, protecting the environment, and promoting human dignity and rights for all.
Instagram: @kingstongreenpary
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